Imation Scotch 35mm Color film

I always like to try expired films. Last year I found a Imation Scotch 35mm Color film 100, expired 5/1999. The box of the film was a bit damage and I wasn’t sure if the film was properly stored. I searched online and I was not able to find any information about this film except some that were being sold on ebay and found that it comes in Chrome format too.

I tried the film last week and I was surprised of the results. The colours came out amazingly.

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7 thoughts on “Imation Scotch 35mm Color film

  1. That’s a great-looking film! I don’t know if Ferrania made this one too (they made Scotch Chrome 100), but if so I can’t wait to try it.

  2. Nice photos! After a long time far from film, I am “re-entering” with my vintage cameras. B&W is my passion. I intend to develop the fims by myself and get them copied in photo services, using regular color papers. Contrast is very strong.

  3. Hello! These are some wonderful shots, and I was wondering something. I’ve had serious grain issues with a few rolls of old Kodak before and have determined it may have been from underexposing due to improper iso compensation. What did you shoot these at?

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